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5 Key Reasons Why Creativity Is Crucial For Business Success
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5 Key Reasons Why Creativity Is Crucial
For Business Success
Top 5 Reasons Why Creativity is Crucial to Business Success
- 1- Promotes collaboration
- 2- Contributes to increasing the competitiveness of companies
- 3- Help with troubleshooting
- 4- Increases the chances of bringing development
- 5- Provides better results
Why Creativity is Important for Career and Business
Creativity is the ability to create and innovate. That is, it is everything that refers to the potential for creation. It is a human capacity of great value, because, among other aspects, it promotes development and evolution.
Increasingly, the job market and companies value creative and inventive professionals, as high competitiveness and the new profile of consumers require the ability to create new things and improve processes.
Therefore, those who invest in this quality only tend to win in their careers.
To give you an idea, according to a survey carried out by the personnel management consultancy, Korn/Ferry, with 365 managers, it showed that 56% of them consider creativity to be the most desired characteristic in hiring.
What is Creativity?
Psychology has a series of definitions about this characteristic, but in general it is believed to be a quality acquired by curious, persistent, perceptive individuals, with an ability to develop skills and visionaries.
Creativity, in addition to being a personality trait that begins in childhood, can be acquired throughout life, just enough stimuli and interest on the part of the individual.
Where Does Creativity Come From?
Creativity has not always been treated as something intrinsic to human beings. In antiquity, some philosophers believed that it was restricted to a few individuals capable of receiving messages from divine entities.
Throughout history, however, the concept gradually lost its mystical appeal and, in recent years, gained explanations based on sophisticated theories of psychology and neuroscience.
Modern academic definitions suggest that “creativity refers to skills such as fluency, flexibility, originality and divergent thinking, applied to a process of inventing something different and never tried (Craft, 2005)”, but let’s face it, all this technicality is not necessary to understand what it’s all about.
Creativity is part of everyday life for all of us, even if many deny it. In childhood, we experience its blossoming, a moment in which we exude an indistinguishable ability to absorb, model and create new things.
However, as we grow, the influence of people, the imposed rules and limits, as well as the fear of mistakes and failures, end up weakening our original creative potential, making our thoughts less and less abstract.
Furthermore, our brain is biologically programmed to save energy, and creativity, unlike common sense, can demand a lot of effort from the individual.
To stay creative, you need to think outside the box, create the habit of getting out of your comfort zone, exposing yourself to new stimuli and constantly exploring new realities. However, this natural inclination to save resources makes most people conform to the patterns of their routine.
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What is the Difference Between Creativity and Innovation?
Creativity and innovation cannot be measured. Performance, however, requires measurements so you can identify success. In a world that changes every two seconds, it’s imperative that companies know the difference between business creativity and innovation.
Creativity means unleashing the mind’s potential to conceive of new ideas. These concepts can manifest in many ways, but more often than not, they become something we can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. However, creative ideas can also be experiences thought up inside a person’s mind.
Innovation is about introducing changes to relatively stable systems. It is also concerned with the work required to make an idea viable. By identifying an unrecognized and unmet need, an organization can use innovation to apply its creative resources to design an appropriate solution and reap the return on its investment.
We tend to think of an innovation as a new product, but you can innovate with a new process, method, business model or partnership. In fact, every aspect of your brand is a candidate for innovation.
5 Reasons Why Creativity is Important for Career and Business
According to research conducted by McKinsey & Company, companies that harness creativity and data together have growth rates twice as high as companies that don’t.
Check now the main reasons to invest in the characteristic for both career and business:
1. More Chances to Bring Development
Creative professionals are more likely to come up with good ideas and find unusual solutions to circumstances that apparently have no solution, as they are not afraid to dare.
2. Increases the Competitiveness of Companies
Organizations that count on creative managers and collaborators have the ability to innovate, which is very pleasing in the current market. With this, they stand out and become more competitive in the face of the competition.
3. Help in Conflict Resolution
In the corporate environment, it is not uncommon to find different types of conflicts of ideas and opinions. However, when there are people who use creativity, they are easier to resolve from non-centralizing and more open ideas.
4. Helps in Communication
Assertive communication is fundamental for the progress of processes within companies. And a creative person is usually able to expose their ideas more clearly and can choose the right words and expressions for each occasion.
5. Ability to Adapt to Different Realities
Many companies, especially those of small and medium size, have a limited budget and it is not always possible to implement in practice the strategies that one would like due to lack of availability of investment.
And that’s where creative managers and collaborators come in, who are often able to create actions with the improvisation of solutions and reduced resources.
Our goal is to make all our readers reach the pinnacle of development, so we have prepared two more important reasons that you should consider.
6. Promotes Collaboration
A professional who uses creativity on a daily basis has a more systemic view and, therefore, is aware of everything that happens within the company, regardless of the sector in which it operates. With this, it manages to develop connections and solutions, encouraging collaboration.
7. Provides Better Results
Creativity is one of the main factors responsible for the success of a company. It is through it that we create and innovate, bringing differentials and more visibility to the market.
According to a StateOfCreate survey, conducted by Adobe, people who identify as creative earn 13% more than non-creatives.
With that, the organization only has to gain in results and, consequently, in more billing.
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How to Develop Creativity?
As we said, creativity is a characteristic that can be developed throughout life. But, after all, how to do this in practice? See now habits that can help you:
1. Seek Knowledge
The more you study and seek knowledge, the greater the references and possibilities of having new ideas. Therefore, try to do frequent readings, participate in courses and workshops and everything that stimulates intelligence.
2. Try to Keep a Clear Mind
According to “The Science of Mind Wandering” research, allowing your mind to wander, despite how unproductive it may seem, increases your ability to be creative.
If you are preoccupied with coming up with new ideas and thinking about how to be creative, it will hardly develop and there may even be the opposite effect. Therefore, try to keep a clear mind and tranquility in your life, looking for moments of rest that replenish your energies and make your thinking process faster.
3. Get Inspired
In the work “Steal like an artist”, the author Austin Kleon, comments about nothing being original and recommends that we should collect ideas, mix them and reimagine them to look for a new path. He even points out that we can be inspired by other artists and use them as a reference.
Given this, it is essential to be inspired and look for references to stimulate creativity. Currently, through social networks like Pinterest, it is possible to take different ideas and apply them.
4. Escape the Routine
If you do the same things every day, the creativity process slows down because there aren’t many new stimuli for the brain. So, try to get out of the routine! And that doesn’t mean traveling or doing something very out of the ordinary. Simple attitudes, such as changing the route to work or having lunch or dinner at a new restaurant, often help.
5. Challenge your Brain
Just like the routine, if the brain is used to receiving the same stimuli through the individual’s activities, having good ideas can be complicated. The tip is to get out of your comfort zone and start doing things that are different from what you are used to, like learning to play an instrument, learning to play chess and taking a new course.
6. Test the Ideas
When you have an idea, don’t be afraid to try! Many times, because of thinking that innovations will not work, good opportunities are missed. Therefore, never be in doubt and put into practice what you think can bring good results.
7. Question
Creative people are always questioning. That’s because curiosity is part of this characteristic. Therefore, seek to resolve unresolved issues, ask when in doubt, seek information about a problem, that is, do not settle for “half-way” information.
10 Strategies to Increase Your Creativity and Innovation
It is possible to implement some strategies that will increase the capacity for creativity and innovation in your company’s business.
1. Truly creative people have developed their ability to observe and use all their senses, something that can become monotonous over time. Take a break to “air out” your ideas.
2. Innovation is based on knowledge. Therefore, you need to continually expand your knowledge base. Read things you don’t normally read.
3. Your perceptions can limit your reasoning. Be careful how you perceive things. Postpone judgment.
4. Practice creative visualization so you can “see” a concept come to life.
5. Let your ideas “germinate”, taking a break. One of the best things you can do for a break is to take a walk. It shifts the brain elsewhere and helps you be more innovative and creative.
6. Try as much as you can. Exposure puts more ideas in your subconscious. Actively seek out new experiences to broaden your portfolio of experiences.
7. Treat patterns as part of the problem. Recognizing a new pattern is very helpful, but be careful not to become part of it.
8. Redefine the problem completely. If you had correctly defined the real problem, you would have solved it a long time ago, because all problems have solutions.
9. See where others aren’t looking to see what others aren’t seeing.
10. Invent ideas early in the innovation process… and then stop. Often, we come up with several ideas and start to innovate. So we come up with more ideas and never make a single idea. At some point, you have to switch off the idea generation part of the process and really work on the innovation and execution part to bring a project to life.
Have you ever noticed that when something is left to the last minute you manage to develop it quickly and creatively?
That school project that you spent the whole day thinking about doing and couldn’t develop anything, but in the final stretch you panicked, started developing and managed to deliver on time in a better way than you expected. Have you ever been through a situation like this? See the chart below to better understand this process of creativity under pressure:
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions About Creativity in Business Success
1. What are the 5 elements of creativity?
Association capacity; Questioning; Observation; Networking; Experimentation.
2. Why is creativity important for business?
Those who are creative can formulate theories, invent products, produce engaging content, find differentiated solutions and develop actions that captivate the public. That is, it is a fundamental characteristic to guarantee the success of a business. Creativity is considered a talent.
3. What are the factors that influence creativity?
According to the theory of Investment in Creativity, creativity comes from six different factors that are interrelated and cannot be seen in isolation: intelligence, intellectual styles, knowledge, personality, motivation and environmental context.
4. What are the benefits of a creative process?
The creative process brings benefits such as: Inspires trends; It generates solutions and innovations; Solve problems; Stimulates courage and boldness; Promotes competitive advantage; Make communication easier; Promotes personal and professional growth; Fosters diversity.
5. What is a creative business?
Creative businesses are those companies that have a differential and stand out from the competition, as they offer differentiated products and services, out of the box. Many think that creativity is a gift, but believe me: it is a competence that can be developed by anyone.
The more creative and innovative your brand is, the more long-term success you will achieve.
So instead of constantly looking for “the next big idea”, bring creativity and innovation to what you are currently doing.
When you do this, you will be considered an innovator in your field – the one your competitors are trying to copy.
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