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7 Reasons You Need A Strategic Graphic Designer As Your Partner

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7 Reasons You Need A Strategic Graphic Designer As Your Partner


Presented By
Black Pearl Matrix

7 Reasons to have a Designer in your Company

Investing in design has never been a luxury, but a necessity for any company that wants to succeed and stand out from the rest. However, it’s only been a few years since small and medium-sized entrepreneurs have been realizing the value that design can add to their business. And there is also a consumer movement to value brands that seek to invest in design and make their experiences with products and services much simpler and more enjoyable.

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Do you know why investing in design is important for your business growth? The designer is the professional who will think and elaborate the visual identity pieces of your brand, such as the logo, the arts for social networks, leaflets, online and offline campaigns, websites, among others. However, not everyone understands the real importance of design and still does not invest in it.

Confirmed communication can improve your company’s performance, in addition to making it better known. That’s because, when a brand’s visual identity is well done, it is recognized everywhere. Take the example of Apple, with a logo that is recognized worldwide, and the entire brand identity as well.

BPM 7 Reasons to have a Designer in your Company

What is the Importance of the Designer for your Company?

Firstly, the designer within a company is like a bridge that connects the customer’s needs to what is produced by the brand’s marketing.

Contemporary society is much more visual than previous societies were, and surrounded by so many images, the consumer feels the need to be represented.

The designer has this functionality of creating an image that represents the client, in addition to identifying their desires and solving their problems.

Therefore, the designer brings an illustrated notion to the brand’s ideas, giving life to a totally abstract proposal. Creating a unique image that will be remembered among many others that are shared on the web.

The graphic designer is a fundamental piece to leverage and create a strong image for any company, he is strategy. So that you can understand why your company needs to invest in design, we separate 7 reasons that will convince you:

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1- The Effect of the 1st Impression

The first impression is the one that lasts. The brain automatically takes less than a second to judge whether something deserves to be looked at more closely or not. After all, with so much visual information in front of us, he needs to choose some things to which he will pay more attention. And the design works precisely for that. Whether on your company’s website, on the façade, on the folder or on your product’s packaging, the more quality the design, the more attention they will attract.

2- The Credibility of Design

A striking logo with a strong concept conveys more security and confidence to your audience. “If the company takes good care of its own brand, it should also take good care of the quality of its products and services”. You can be sure that any customer (including you) makes this relationship.

3- Investing in Design is not an expense

Change comes from within, so first of all, understand that design is not an expense, but an investment in your brand. If you need to print a poster with vibrant colors, you’ll need a good quality printer and special paper; with your brand or business it’s the same thing, you need to invest in serious and experienced design professionals to get a good result. Often, due to lack of knowledge, companies end up hiring amateurs to propose a new design for their brand, this choice can be very expensive in the future, just as hiring the right professionals can get huge and positive results.

4- Don't Lose Focus

Businessman has to manage the business. Believing that it is possible to “do design with your own hands” can be a mistake, even if the business owner is a designer with a lot of hand. After all, when he opened a business, he stopped practicing design to become an entrepreneur. Therefore, the best thing to do is to hire a competent and specialized company.

5- Innovation is a Great Differential

In an increasingly competitive market, fighting over price is almost always not the best way out. You need to find other ways to differentiate yourself from the competition. Innovative packaging, creating an intuitive website or a logo that breaks the mold of your business niche are excellent ways to add value to your brand and completely differentiate yourself from the competition.

6- Strong Branding

Through design, your company can create a visual identity project (PIV) from the logo. This will help make your company’s brand strong and memorable. The visual identity project can be applied to the most different materials, from an email signature to a product catalogue.

7- Investing in Design is Profitable

The consequence of the six reasons you saw earlier is the greater profitability of your company, either by increasing sales, by increasing the perception of value of your product or service or by a combination of these two things.

If your company still doesn’t invest in design, you can start a transformation that, you can be sure, will bring great results.

Branding, Briefing and Graphic Design Projects

Branding, an area that encompasses visual identity, color palette and other spheres of knowledge, is part of the elaboration of projects in Graphic Design. Briefing, a term used in several areas of communication, and also in design, which translates the following idea: survey and extensive collection of information.

In Graphic Design, Briefing has the possibility of transforming this collection of information into a visual identity. The meeting to discuss the Briefing is the first step professionals take. It is important in the work organization process, and can even be transformed into a meeting minutes, report, descriptive memorial, written interview, among other tools that can align the important information that should be part of your brand design.

According to a professional editor: “Graphic design is the mission of transferring to a printed piece the set of information (through text, images or illustrations) in a clear, objective and understandable way for the target audience”.

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And of course, in this process described by the professional, and during the Briefing, we established some important points for your team:

Company history;
Brand positioning;
Success stories;
Internal and external policies;
Resources available in box;
Current and potential brand size.



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Brands and Values

And lately, companies have come to understand and understand that encouraging, paying for courses and creating a multidisciplinary team, with professionals from different areas, facilitates and streamlines the work and performance of the brand. According to Forbes Magazine, Google has spent more than $100,000 on courses and specializations in data analysis, design, and other technology skills for its employees.

The company already recognized for excellence and also for its logo and striking designs throughout history. Created and spread during the 1990s, Google is one of the largest companies that focuses on technology and design sectors. It’s because? It may sound cliché, but many say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. And yes, in many cases it is worth and even complement the words and textuality of your company’s communication.

Investing in Strategic Design Keeps Your Brand Memorable

What makes a brand unforgettable? Good customer service and a good product certainly help, but what could be effective in making a good first impression? You already know the answer, right?

In some conversation about advertising, products or services, you’ve probably heard someone say “I can’t remember the name of the brand, but I can imagine it”. This is because it is often easy to retain some visual elements in the logo, packaging or website layout in memory.

In this context, the brand’s colors can be a strong factor for its memorization. At least that’s what the study from The Malaysian Journal of Medical Science claims. According to him, color has the potential to increase the chances of environmental stimuli being encoded, stored and successfully remembered by the mind.

Since the selective use of color can keep a brand memorable, consider incorporating different design techniques (including colors, shapes, a unique layout, and an original concept). They can also act as additional elements that reinforce this recognition.

How Can Small Businesses Innovate Using Design?

Design is still closely associated with product aesthetics, but its function transcends this point. Design is a discipline that cuts across any economic sector and permeates from small to large companies, as it uses as a premise to promote well-being in people’s lives through experience.

The small company can start its steps with innovation, organizing its internal processes using the design thinking methodology. This methodology is applied to any type of business and helps the company to understand its processes and solve its business challenge.


It consists of four phases: Immersion (identification of the problem and knowledge of its variables), analysis/synthesis (analysis of the collected data), ideation (co-creation of ideas to solve the problems identified in the Immersion phase) and prototyping (validation and testing of one or more generated ideas).

In your view, what is the importance of design for small businesses and why is it so important to invest in this topic?

Design is a strategic tool that makes up the marketing and strategy mix of companies’ economic activities. Through design, one can work on differentiating the attributes of a product or service through graphic design, product design, improving business processes, knowing the user experience, in addition to fostering innovation.

You don’t have to be a big company to invest in design. Innovation must be the bloodstream of companies that seek to improve their competitiveness and transform their businesses.

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Strategic Graphic Designer

1. How to hire a designer?

He can be hired as a collaborator (employee) or as a consultant (service provider) for specific interventions. Regardless of how you are hired, it is extremely important that you are a qualified person, as the set of your skills will bring better results.

2. How to choose this professional?

If you don't know where to start, visit websites of design associations, consult people who have already been served by a good designer. Ultimately, Google itself. But before choosing the professional, ask for his portfolio, as this document will contain examples of work carried out, clients served, areas of expertise, etc.

3. What is a briefing?

Briefing is a term used in several areas of communication, and also in design, which translates the following idea: survey and extensive collection of information.

4. What is branding?

Branding is an area that encompasses visual identity, color palette and other spheres of knowledge, it is part of the elaboration of projects in Graphic Design.

5. What is a design project?

The design project aims to serve beyond aesthetics, but focused on strategy. With this, your business has the necessary competitive advantage to stand out in the segment efficiently.
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Hiring a graphic designer is essential for any company or institution that wants to consolidate its brand in the market, because as we mentioned, there is a technique behind the creation of pieces in order to make communication clear and concise.

The offer is huge, and the market is full of freelance designers and companies offering their services, so your choice needs to be right for the result to be efficient.

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