Avoid These 7 Easy But Stupid Web Optimization Tactics
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Avoid These 7 Easy But Stupid Web Optimization Tactics
Presented By
Black Pearl Matrix
7 Easy SEO Tactics You Should Avoid
- Excessive Insertion of Keywords
- “Spam” Comments
- Bad User Experience on Mobile Devices
- Link Exchange
- Duplicate Content
- Intrusive Interstitial Ads
- Anchor Text Abuse
Website optimization is extremely important for anyone who wants to stand out among competitors and want to be ranked in the first results of Google.
But, most of the SEO tactics you need to avoid should be obvious. However, I am still very surprised at how often I see these errors.
Every day, I open some site that has at least one of these bad SEO tactics. What’s more troubling is that most of these techniques have never worked so well for beginners.
There are millions of SEO tactics that were popular but are no longer in fashion when it comes to more extreme situations.
Here Are 7 Easy Web Optimization Tactics You Should Avoid
1- Excessive Insertion of Keywords
Keyword cannibalization is due to the incorrect use of SEO strategies with keywords. And it could be the reason that your pages are not in the top positions of the SERP.
The use of keywords is one of the main SEO strategies, and the good use of these can generate good organic search results through content on blog pages.
But, it is necessary to structure the keywords, contents and the proper organization of the themes to avoid cannibalization.
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1.1 What is Keyword Cannibalization?
Keyword cannibalization is when the website or blog, presents two or more pages that compete with each other with the same or similar keywords, competing with each other for a position. And this can hurt the organic performance of both pages.
When two pages talk about the same content and both can be combined in one place, this is a cannibalization problem. The existence of these two pages is eroding organic performance.
1.2 The impact of keyword cannibalization on web users' search intent
Keyword cannibalization brings a bad user experience, in addition to hindering the work of Google bots.
Because, each content is positioned on the SERP (Google Results Page) according to real questions from users with keywords that the Google robot, the crawler, crawls and presents to the Internet user, according to the words and other ranking factors.
To learn about all the possible ways to optimize your content, read this complete SEO article. This article teaches all the strategies for optimizing websites and how to apply them, check them out.
When two contents have the same keyword, the crawler looks for the best page in different domains to present.
When finding two or more results on the same domain, the impact can be very harmful for the site, as the spider will not present any as a canonical version.
Well, in addition to not being good for user experience, keyword cannibalization also makes the crawler confused about which text to rank better.
It can probably present the oldest content and if this is not the complete impact on the user experience, it prevents the indexing of the most recent content.
The crawler can interpret the pages twice and this can result in a loss of positions on the SERP and, consequently, a drop in organic traffic.
In addition to the risk of penalties and pages disappearing from search results.
2- “Spam” Comments
This is the most annoying tactic ever. You read a great blog post and want to jump right into the comments.
After all, lengthy discussions in comments on a post can often be more valuable than the content itself.
However, you scroll down to write your thoughts in the comments – and come across a spam comment. Comments like this completely kill conversations.
Leaving comments can be a great way to build relationships with the blog owner and other readers. But there’s a problem when you try to do this on a large scale.
I once knew a guy who created comment links like this. He paid hires $1 per successful comment. So what do you think happened?
Each comment was basically copy and pasted to speed up the total number of comments they could leave. For example, someone could create hundreds of blog comments in just one day.
But, they were all the same!
Many commenting platforms such as Disqus have obviously realized this. They tried to combat this by blocking certain accounts.
Unfortunately, if your site grows too large, you’ll have to fight spam comments.
This is why many commenting platforms, even WordPress, will automatically unfollow on these links.
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2.1 Here Are Some Tricks to Avoid This Problem
You can install a WordPress plugin on your site to automatically filter comments for you.
You can also force users to enter their name and email address to leave a comment. So they will have to be logged into WordPress to join the discussion.
You can even program your site to manually approve comments.
This allows you to select just a few comments to appear on the post. And you can scan for spam and links before approving.
The blacklist is very useful to fight these bad people.
The next time everyone on the blacklist tries to post a comment, it will be sent straight to the trash.
3- Bad User Experience on Mobile Devices
I know I know. This one looks confusing, right? But give me a chance to explain. Google doesn’t just consider links and keywords to rank your site. It collects all kinds of data.
An example is your use of data. This is basically how people interact with your website. For example, if you have a high bounce rate, where people leave your site shortly after a visit, that’s a red flag!
This tells search engines that people aren’t finding what they’re looking for. And if that’s the case, your website must not be very useful.
But that’s not all the algorithms are looking for. For example, your SEO can suffer if your design is ugly and outdated. The reason? He lacks credibility.
Years ago, Google released the Panda update to clean website contents.
Before, they only looked at hard data to determine ranking factors. But, in that period, they introduced a questionnaire to get some qualitative analysis as well.
For example, they had people go to the sites and answer some basic questions. They were variations on “Do you trust the information on this site?” to “Does this content contain any errors?”
And then they would rank each site to look for some patterns. Poor website design and content quality could now come back to haunt you if you get bad reviews.
If your site is not mobile responsive, properly displaying content on all handheld devices, you will also be impacted. Not only will your conversions be affected, but your SEO as well.
Use the TestMySite tool to find out if your site has a good or bad user experience on mobile devices.
Start by entering your URL to receive a free audit. They will also send you a detailed report so that you can correct each identified failure. They will also provide a load speed comparison against other sites in the industry.
If your indicator is green, the site is fine. Anything less than that means you have serious corrections to make as soon as possible.
4- What is Link Exchange and why is it Dangerous?
Link exchange is a negotiation in which two companies mutually insert links to each other on their websites. It is a black hat technique in SEO that generates penalties.
If the linking of both sites occurs naturally and this is clear, both for the user and for the robot, it will be as beneficial as any other link achieved organically.
This case is the rarest, but it can be common, for example, in companies of the same business group.
However, once these links were previously negotiated, artificially and forcibly inserted and the attempt to manipulate the algorithm was identified, the scheme is a punishable time bomb.
As much as the objective is to transmit authority from one domain to another, Google strictly prohibits this practice, according to what is stated in its guidelines:
• “Here are some examples of linking schemes that can hurt your site’s ranking in search results: (…) Doing a lot of link exchanges (“Add a link for me, and I’ll link for you”) or create link pages. partners for the sole purpose of creating cross-links.”
It is worth remembering that a punishment from Google can vary from a sudden drop in positioning to the complete exclusion of this site from the search engine.
4.1 The Danger of Exchanging Links and its Consequences
Not long ago we received the following e-mail proposing an exchange of links. When looking for more information about the company that made the proposal, we analyzed the site in the SEMRush tool and came across alarming information.
First, it is possible to identify that this domain had a vertiginous growth in a previous period.
However, in the same period of time in which it proposed link exchanges, the site in question lost, overnight, 36% of its hits.
An SEO strategy that grows very fast, can also go down very fast!
Now that we already have the dimension of the problem that this scheme can cause, the question remains:
4.2 How to Get Links without Black Hat?
According to an internal survey by Black Pearl Matrix, qualified links account for around 30% of the impact on the performance of good results in organic search.
This result x difficulty ratio makes link building the great opportunity and the great Achilles heel of SEO, leaving the sector uninviting for businesses with little infrastructure.
There are two models that have proven to be effective for obtaining links in a lawful way:
• Write quality content and wait for links to appear naturally, which we call linkable asset development (follow the Content Experience strategy);
• Link building with data-driven digital press office;
• The two techniques differ in terms of the structure required for their executions.
The first, focused on content, requires few resources and can be better adapted to the size of small companies or agencies.
This strategy can be combined with other fronts that, when well implemented, have very significant results for SEO, such as CTR and Dwell Time.
Link building strategies based on data-driven press relations, on the other hand, require more people, time, competence and resources, but can generate more expressive and scalable results.
5- Duplicate Content
Regardless of the segment in which a company proposes to operate, we have that they always need to produce materials that are able to arouse interest in the acquisition of their products or services by their potential customers.
But, after all, what can or cannot really be understood as a concrete fact on this topic?
By definition, we can understand duplicate content as a special type of material that, in turn, has its entirety published in certain places within the virtual and online environment, mainly implying the issue of duplicate information.
In this sense, we can also say that this same occurrence of duplicity ends up directly affecting companies that fall into this situation. This is because for such an action, there are certain punishments that are applied to sites with this content in duplicate by online search engines such as, for example, Google.
6- Intrusive Interstitial Ads
The “Intrusive Interstitials Update” targets intrusive ads that effectively block someone’s screen. They occur all the time on mobile devices.
For example, you want to read a news article on your cell phone to take a few minutes. You click on the link and the site starts to load. However, before you can actually start reading a single line, something pops up to cover the entire text. This could be anything from ads to annoying autoplay videos to popups.
In early 2017, Google officially announced that it would have repercussions for websites:
• “To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is not easily accessible to a user transitioning from mobile results may not rank as well.”
There is always a fine line between SEO tactics and tactics for conversions. On the plus side, popups can drive a ton of conversions. However, if they are static, cover the screen, and don’t provide any value, you could be in trouble.
7- Anchor Text Abuse
Anchor text consists of the usually blue, underlined letters that appear when you link to a word or phrase.
In the sentence “measuring your ROI is important”, for example, the anchor text is ROI.
Anchor text optimized for search engines should be concise and related to the page it is being referred to. Thus, it is not possible to link a page on Digital Marketing in a text that talks about the behavior of white whales, for example.
Text and link need to complement each other well and serve the interest of the user who wants to know more about that subject.
After the Penguin update, Google started to look more closely at anchor texts. If many sites contain the same anchor text, it can look suspicious and a sign that the links weren’t organically sourced.
Therefore, it is worth using varied phrases and not just one keyword at a time.
The same goes for internal links: using the same anchor text linking to the same pages multiple times, Google can also detect an attempt at spam.
Try to keep your anchor texts natural, as this is what Google is most interested in. Use relevant anchors, without linking to low-quality sites or trying to trick search engines.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Web Optimization
1. How to avoid spam comments on my blog?
2. What is anchor text?
3. What is the purpose of intrusive interstitial updates?
4. What does it mean to optimize?
A successful SEO strategy should work as well today as it will for years to come. Tactics and trends are important to keep an eye on and be able to carry out good marketing planning. However, you should never take things to an extreme.
Adding keywords to your anchor text, for example, is fine most of the time. Doing this in excess, however, can harm you.
The same principle applies to using keywords in content, commenting, and even reusing content across many pages.
Using popups to generate leads is fine in limited quantities. For example, you can only show it to people on their first few visits. That way, you’re not bombarding the visitor every time they visit your site.
Not a big deal in small, controlled doses. But pushing the limits to get a few extra visitors today doesn’t make sense if it puts you in danger tomorrow. Balance is one of the most important planning tips.
What other SEO tactics do you think will disappear in the next year?
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