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Create Custom php.ini In A Litespeed Web Server
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Create Custom php.ini In A Litespeed Web Server
Why Use Custom PHP.ini on a LiteSpeed Web Server?
- Improve server performance
- Increase server security
- Meet the specific needs of a website
- Override default PHP settings
If you landed on this page, it’s because you must have some questions about how to create a custom php.ini on a litespeed web server, are we right?
The good news is that you are in the right place! In this article we will detail everything about this subject. See below what you will learn during this reading:
1- What is a Web Server?
2- LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed, What Are They?
2.1 LiteSpeed
2.2 OpenLiteSpeed
3- What is PHP.ini?
4- Customized PHP.ini File on Litespeed Server
5- Why Use Custom PHP.ini on a LiteSpeed Web Server?
6- FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Creating Custom php.ini on a Litespeed Web Server
7- Conclusion
1- What is a Web Server?
So that everyone is on the same page, before talking more about LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed, we need to give a brief explanation of what a web server is.
When accessing a website, opening an online application or sending an email, you are interacting with a web server. That is, behind that interface there is a series of requests made in real time to the server where the data is hosted, thus, these servers are responsible for responding to requests made from an address on the Internet.
It works like this: when entering a website, the browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) makes a request for its content to the server, which, in turn, delivers the information to the browser. Who manages these requests and deliveries, being the bridge between the browser and the server, is software called a web server.
See the example below, where we explain in a simpler way how a Web Server works:
So, we can arrive at the following definition for a web server: Web Server (web server) is a piece of software responsible for delivering and receiving http requests. That is, it is the bridge between the user who makes requests in a browser, for example, and the information allocated on the server.
Now that we have an understanding of what a web server is, we can move on to the subject of this article.
2- LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed, What Are They?
As stated at the beginning of this article, LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed are web servers, being market competitors of Apache and Nginx, for example.
They work as a layer of the website server that receives the request from a browser and delivers the information to the user. These web servers have been on the market for over 15 years and were developed by LiteSpeed Technologies.
They are very similar software, but while LiteSpeed Enterprise is paid, offering a free trial license, OpenLiteSpeed is completely free and has no license limitations on the amount of memory or CPU that can be used. It is possible to use 100% of the resources of any server with OLS without any additional cost.
Both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed allow websites to display and maintain their content on the internet. Its great features are increased performance, generating greater practicality. They save resources without affecting security and the application’s original code, without requiring as many changes and adaptations as in Nginx, one of its competitors.
Currently, OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed are the best servers on the market for PHP websites, making websites faster, lighter and more optimized. Also, both can read Apache .htaccess rules, although OLS only interprets rewrite rules (those starting with RewriteCond and RewriteRule)
To make it better exemplified, below I will show the characteristics of LiteSpeed and OpenLiteSpeed, and what they are capable of doing.
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2.1 LiteSpeed
Its main features are:
• Apache Replacement: Reads Apache and configures files directly. Furthermore it provides full .htaccess and WAF;
• CloudLinux Integration: supports LVE, CageFS, PHP/Ruby/Python/Node Selector;
• LSCache with ESI: supports “hole-punching” through “Edge Side Includes”;
• Zero-Downtime Maintenance: Allows reboot and software upgrade with zero downtime;
• One-Click Cache Acceleration: Server-wide LSCache deployment for WordPress;
• Faster and more secure PHP: LSPHP with suEXEC outperforms PHP-FPM in every way;
• Ruby + Python + Node App Server: Instant performance boost with LSAPI for Ruby, Python and Node.
In addition, LiteSpeed has numerous benefits, some of them are:
2.2 OpenLiteSpeed
Its main features are:
• Partial .htaccess support: Can read and interpret .htaccess rewrite rules;
• WebAdmin Console: Take full control of the web server through the web GUI;
• Multiple PHP Support: Supports built-in PHP and also LSAPI for external applications 2x faster;
• CMS Acceleration: Offers superior free performance for WordPress, Drupal and Joomla using LiteSpeed Cache;
• Integrated security mode: Integration with mod_security v3;
• One-Click Installation: Install OpenLiteSpeed, MariaDB and WordPress in one click;
• Multi-Thread Module: Fastest web service platform using custom MT module;
• Great scalability: serve more sites with less memory;
• Faster and more secure PHP: LSPHP with suEXEC outperforms PHP-FPM in every way;
• Ruby + Python + Node App Server: Instant performance boost with LSAPI for Ruby, Python and Node**;
3- What is PHP.ini?
The php.ini file is the main PHP configuration file, responsible for storing the PHP runtime settings. It is used to set options like PHP memory limit, script execution time limit and many other configuration options.
Understand how PHP works:
4- Customized PHP.ini File on Litespeed Server
On a Litespeed web server, it is possible to create a custom php.ini file to change the default PHP settings.
To do this, just follow these steps:
• Access the Litespeed web server administration panel;
• In the “PHP Configuration” section, click on “Edit PHP Settings”;
• On the PHP configuration page, click on “Create a custom PHP configuration file”;
• Enter the desired settings in the configuration file. Each configuration option is explained in detail in the PHP documentation;
• Save the configuration file and apply the changes;
• It is important to remember that changes made to the php.ini file will only take effect after restarting the Litespeed web server. Therefore, it is necessary to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
Also, it is important to be careful when changing PHP settings, as some changes can negatively affect server performance or even render PHP inoperable. It is recommended to read the PHP documentation and understand the implications of each configuration option before making any changes to the php.ini file.
It is important to remember that the php.ini file is a global configuration file, ie it affects all PHP scripts on all sites hosted on the Litespeed web server. This means that changes made to the php.ini file will have an impact on all websites hosted on the server.
However, it is possible to create custom PHP configuration files for a specific website using the .htaccess file. To do this, simply add the following code to the desired website’s .htaccess file:
This code changes the PHP memory limit to 256MB and the script execution time limit to 180 seconds just for the site in question. Changes made to the .htaccess file will only take effect for the specific website and will not affect other websites hosted on the server.
In summary, creating a custom php.ini file on a Litespeed web server is a great way to change PHP’s default settings and improve server performance and security. However, it is important to be careful when making these changes and to read the PHP documentation to understand the implications of each configuration option.
5- Why Use Custom PHP.ini on a LittleSpeed Web Server?
There are several reasons why it might be useful to create a custom php.ini file on a Litespeed web server:
• Improve server performance:
Some PHP configuration options, such as memory limit and script execution time limit, can significantly affect server performance. By changing these configuration options, it is possible to increase the execution speed of PHP scripts and, consequently, improve the server’s performance.
• Increase server security:
Other PHP configuration options, such as enabling or disabling functions and extensions, can be used to increase server security. For example, disabling the eval() function can help prevent code injection attacks.
• Meet a site's specific needs:
Every site has its own PHP configuration needs. For example, an e-commerce site might need a higher memory limit than a simple blog site. By creating a custom php.ini file, it is possible to meet the specific needs of each website and ensure that it works correctly.
• Override default PHP settings:
The default PHP settings may not be optimal for all websites. By creating a custom php.ini file, it is possible to override the default settings and configure the desired settings.
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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions About Creating Custom php.ini on a Litespeed Web Server
1. What is the php.ini file?
The php.ini file is the main PHP configuration file, responsible for storing the PHP runtime settings. It is used to set options like PHP memory limit, script execution time limit and many other configuration options.
2. Why create a custom php.ini file on a Litespeed web server?
There are several reasons why it might be useful to create a custom php.ini file on a Litespeed web server: to improve server performance, increase security, meet each site's specific needs, and override default PHP settings.
3. What are some precautions to take when changing PHP settings in the php.ini file?
Read the PHP documentation and understand the implications of each configuration option before making any changes. Be careful when changing configuration options that could negatively affect server performance or render PHP inoperable; Remember to restart the Litespeed web server for the changes to take effect; Back up the original php.ini file before making any changes.
4. How are the changes in the php.ini file applied?
Changes made to the php.ini file will only take effect after restarting the Litespeed web server. Therefore, it is necessary to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
Setting up custom php.ini on a LiteSpeed web server gives organizations the flexibility and ease of being configured with enhanced and customized features to meet specific needs when it comes to web hosting services.
This means more speed and performance to process HTTP requests at the application layers, as well as greater security to deal with protection against cyber attacks. Custom php.ini is a reliable and secure tool for anyone who needs Litespeed web server performance for their business.
However, it is important to be careful when changing PHP settings and read the PHP documentation to understand the implications of each configuration option. Also, it is important to remember that the changes made to the php.ini file will only take effect after restarting the Litespeed web server, so it is necessary to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
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