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How To Use ClickFunnels For Affiliate Marketing - Easy Guide!
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How To Use ClickFunnels For Affiliate Marketing - Easy Guide!
The Main Types of Sales Funnels:
- Product Funnel
- Webinar Funnel
- Content Offer Funnel
- Questionnaire Funnel
- Application Funnel
Sales Funnel
Possibly you’ve heard of the term “sales funnel” or ClickFunnels software, but for some reason you didn’t understand what it was or how a sales funnel can be the best ally for your business. Regardless of what you have to sell, a sales funnel can be the lifeline between converting leads into paying customers for your business.
And the reality is that turning visitors into paying customers is not an easy task, especially in an increasingly connected world, full of content and competitors. With the growth of the internet, offers of all types and formats proliferate in the market, many of them true decoys, which take the fear of the public to levels never seen before.
If you already sell or have already sold a product or service on the internet, you know how difficult it is to build an offer and a promise that is in line with the real needs of your consumers. And being able to do this brilliantly is indeed a complex task.
And this pain is many times greater when you start investing in Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads or even Google ads, and the return on your investment is nil or close to zero.
And the secret to combating this lack of results lies in building sales funnels. And a good sales funnel can be enough for your business to change overnight. However, those who believe that building a good sales funnel is something simple are mistaken, because in reality it is not.
With that in mind, now look at the steps to build a sales funnel:
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What is a Sales Funnel?
A sales funnel is a digital marketing strategy that aims to turn visitors into long-term customers of your business by taking them on a multi-step journey that allows them to gain the knowledge and confidence they need to buy from your business.
The “funnel” metaphor means that you’ll start with a large audience of potential buyers that will eventually narrow down to a smaller group of highly targeted, high-value customers already within your company.
However, the sales funnel has nothing to do with the marketing funnel, at least not directly.
Simple Sales Funnel
A small business owner might start out with just one or two products. A large company may have multiple offerings that drive lead generation and nurture new leads through the sales cycle, sales stream, or sales team. However, in the blink of an eye, everything can seem complex. in particular, the implementation of this entire flow of customers.
Possibly you’ve been to a McDonald’s. And when you go to McDonald’s and order a hamburger, the waiter will ask you if you want the Big Menu for just 60 cents more. If you order chicken nuggets, the waiter will ask you if you want a sauce to go with it. If you order dessert, the server will try to sell you some of the existing toppings.
What McDonald’s is doing is a sales funnel applied to the traditional retail market.
In a sales funnel, the objective is to lead potential customers through different offers that aim to increase their value as a customer (lifetime value), ensuring that the sales funnel is profitable from a marketing and acquisition point of view.
And a sales funnel is divided into three main stages:
• Top of Funnel (also known as ToFu or Top of Funnel) All audiences;
• Middle of Funnel (also known as MoFu or Middle of Funnel) Potential customers;
• Funnel Fund (also known as BoFu or Bottom of Funnel) Existing and new customers.
Sales Funnel Division
Regardless of whether you use a sales funnel in your business, all of your customers are guaranteed to go through these three stages.
It’s best if you deliver high-value content to your potential customers at each stage of your sales funnel process. This will help you to dramatically increase your sales volume. And never forget the importance of content marketing as a strategy for everything you are doing on the internet.
87% of customers prefer to buy from companies that offer high-value content at every stage of the sales process.
63% of customers need to hear a company’s value proposition at least 3-5 times before trusting it.
Content-nurtured leads make 47% more high-value purchases than non-nurtured leads.
Understand the Current Market
When we talk about selling online, we are talking about a process that is anything but simple. While each person in the US spends an average of 6 hours and 42 minutes a day on the internet, the reality is that this doesn’t necessarily make these people shop faster.
In fact, there is now a huge convergence between online and offline shopping. Customers search online to buy offline, just as customers search online, experience offline, and buy online.
- Blog Website
- Up To 3 Pages
- Responsive In All Platforms
- 6 Months Support
- And much more ...
- Corporate Business Website
- Up To 5 Pages
- Emailing Contact Form
- 8 Months Support
- And much more ...
- E-Commerce Store
- Up To 30 Products
- Security Payment System
- 12 Months Support
- And much more ...
Note the following:
• 87% of buyers start by researching products on the internet;
• People invest an average of 5 hours a week in online shopping;
• $0.56 of every $1 spent in a retail store is influenced by an online interaction.
However, even with these numbers, the reality is that selling online is difficult. VERY DIFFICULT.
The worldwide conversion rate for online stores today is 2.86%. And the worldwide lead conversion rate is 4.31%.
Now my question is this: if 87% of purchases start online, but only 3-4% of them convert online, what are people doing? Consuming information.
Customer Travel
Having a clear understanding of how people work today gives you a huge competitive advantage. Because with this information, better decisions are made from a marketing point of view.
And the reality is that today we have three major groups of consumers on the internet:
• Blue Ocean: 60% of people who are unaware of the problem + 20% of people who are aware of the problem (80% of the total public);
• Orange Ocean: 17% of people are looking for specific information on a specific topic;
• Red Ocean: 3% of people who actually intend to buy now.
Given this analysis, does it make sense for your company to invest so much money trying to sell your products or services, given that only 3% of the public is willing to buy them now? Is not?!
If 60% of people are unaware of their problem, need or want, and only 20% are aware of the problem but are not actively trying to solve it, what would be the best strategy to adopt for your business? The blue ocean of people willing to be impacted by your content and relevance is a gold mine.
And why is this so important? Because your sales funnel needs to take this into account at different stages of your customer’s journey. If you don’t have content, it won’t be relevant to the majority of the audience who haven’t discovered what you have to offer.
The 5 Stages of a Sales Funnel
Contrary to what most marketers do, not all products are sold equal using a sales funnel. Not just because there are different funnels for each of the goals you have in mind, but because each product should have a logical purchase sequence. Let’s see what this means in practice in a funnel:
Products in a Sales Funnel
Products are distributed in 5 stages: traffic, lead, frontend product, middle funnel product and backend product.
However, each of these products has a very specific objective that does not involve acquiring new customers. The only product for acquiring new customers is the front-end product, which as a rule is the lowest priced, most accessible product that guarantees the entry of the largest possible number of customers into your business.
Product Value Ladder (or Product Belt)
The product value ladder concept was democratized by Russell Brunson, co-founder of the ClickFunnels platform, the best sales funnel builder on the market today and an indispensable marketing tool for any entrepreneur or business.
The product value ladder or product belt concept aims to take your prospect from a leadership stage to the highest value product in your business. At each of the steps, that person will have the opportunity to climb the ladder to buy your business’s most valuable product, purchasing multiple products along the way and increasing their customer value (lifetime value) along the way.
Product Value Ladder
This product value ladder takes a potential customer through a purchase journey consisting of: entry-level offer, entry-funnel product (front-end offer), mid-funnel product (middle offer), bottom-of-funnel product (backend offer), high value offer and product (high ticket value).
For each of these stages of your sales funnel, you’ll need to have a product or service available for purchase, so it’s essential that you start there and build your treadmill of products and services first, and then start designing your own sales strategy. sales.
Let’s look at each of the stages of our product funnel to understand how it works:
First step:
It all starts with traffic generation, that is, directing people from social networks, websites and blogs to your sales funnel or content offer funnel, depending on which one we are talking about.
At this stage, creating advertisements will be essential, as with advertisements it is possible to dramatically accelerate traffic generation and place your offer in front of thousands of potential customers. Therefore, mastering ad creation will be a very important step in the strategy.
This step in the process, then, involves optimizing ads, content, landing pages, etc. And answer these questions:
• Where are your potential high-value customers “walking” on the internet?
• What social networks and/or content do they interact with?
• What free or low-cost offers get them to start with a new brand?
Needless to say, if you find it difficult to get people interested in your low-value products, selling high-value products will be quite a daunting task. But by meeting your target audience and once they feel comfortable engaging with your brand, you can drop them into a content funnel and set them on the fast track to success.
The Dream Buyer
After all, who is the dream buyer for your business and how do you know exactly who is the ideal person to attract to your sales funnel? The answer to that question actually has countless other questions and answers.
When it comes to building a persona or avatar, we need to go into stealth mode and literally hunt down the information we need to create the right profile of our dream buyer.
And these are the main questions you must answer:
• What questions are they asking on the internet?
• What do they write in online forums?
• How to find out your email contact?
And more…
There are tools available on the internet to help you answer some of these questions. Starting with Answer the Public, which is a paid tool with a free version, which allows you to identify the questions people are asking online.
Questions About Responding to the Public
Another indispensable tool for this type of analysis is Facebook Audience Insights, Facebook’s own audience insights tool, which allows you to understand who your audience is, what are their interests, demographics, relationships and other super detailed information, important for the your funnel building strategy.
Facebook Affiliate Marketing: Target Audience Insights
This is an example of data relating to US audiences interested in affiliate marketing. I used interest targeting that includes “Affiliate Marketing”, “Affiliates”, “Affiliate Network”, “Affiliates”, “ClickBank” and “Affiliate Marketing” and the US as the location.
From that moment on, I have immediate access to a lot of demographic data, education, marital status, likes that these people give on Facebook and other super detailed information about this target audience, which naturally translates into valuable information to find out who it is. By the way, my dream buyer, even before I created my first sales funnel.
Second step:
Content Offer
The second stage of a product funnel is a content offer funnel. There are also those who call it a lead magnet.
On the lower rungs of the value scale, the content offering could be an e-book, a webinar, a mini-course with an email sequence, or even product samples in the case of physical products.
Free Instagram Ebook
This is an example of a content offer, the free Instagram Marketing Ebook, which is a high-value content offer that can be delivered into the lead generation funnel. If you give your audience something of great value for free, you will have primed that lead to make a more valuable purchase at some point in the near future. Also, when you give someone something of great value for free, you create a sense of indebtedness and gratitude in them.
You can even trade at a loss for content deals, as long as the later stages of the funnel are ready to sell at a profit. It’s also important that you don’t build an audience of people who aren’t interested in your content offering. These people are unlikely to buy from you in the future, and this is also important to keep in mind.
Third step:
Enter Funnel Product
The first paid product in your product funnel should be a frontend product, customer acquisition product, or entry funnel product. This is your cheapest product ever and has the least associated risk for your customers. It’s called “no-brainer”, meaning something like a decision that is too easy or obvious to make.
Once your prospects have accepted your free content offer, you’ll want to send them directly to a sales page with your “tiered” premium offer. That’s when your business starts to take a quantum leap.
Those viewing this sales-focused content have been pre-qualified (through your content offering) which means they must be interested in the premium product or service you have for them now. That is, if you can keep their attention and effectively communicate the true value of your offer, you will have a very interesting sales funnel to start.
A front-end product is an entry-level product that is intended to serve as a customer acquisition product, i.e. a product where you channel most of your marketing efforts towards attracting new customers to your business. It’s literally a no-brainer for the amount of value you have inside.
The idea behind a frontend product is that it serves as a new customer acquisition product and that these customers can follow their journey up the product value ladder and later purchase the higher value products or services they want. do you have available.
By putting all of your marketing effort into such a low-value product, your efforts become much more impactful and attracting new customers becomes a regular, daily, relatively simple and low-cost process of acquiring new customers.
Fourth step:
Product in the Middle of the Funnel
Now that we’ve reached the middle-funnel product, we’ll introduce you to a progressively more valuable, intensive solution that helps customers solve a deeper problem and better prepares them for your higher-value product or service.
At each stage of the value ladder, as your prospects move down the funnel, you’ll need to provide a compelling offer that gets them to accomplish a certain task and prepares them for the next level on the ladder.
At this stage, you need to present a product of even greater value that can take your customer to the next step in their long-awaited customer journey, offering new solutions and providing a greater level of depth.
This product naturally has a higher value than the entry-level product, as it serves different needs and is sold primarily to customers who have moved to the lower rungs of their value scale.
Fifth Step:
Product at the Bottom of the Funnel
Your bottom-of-the-funnel product is the most valuable, intensive, and expensive product or service that customers can continually use to solve an ever-present problem in their lives. This is the holy grail of your product value ladder.
And every product you’ve created on your value scale hopes to turn new customers into high-value customers for your company. As discussed earlier, the vast majority of your target audience simply won’t be ready to engage with your highest-value offering until they’ve tried your lower-tier products or services.
The fact is, there’s no guarantee that your customers will simply move on to the next level of value after experiencing everything you have to offer in your early stages.
The onus will always be yours, and that is to convince them that they will gain a lot of value at the next higher level on their value scale. However, instead of pushing them with your most valuable offer, you should simply keep them engaged with your brand. Basically, this involves doing everything possible to continue to provide value to those customers even after they purchase a particular product or service.
Some ideas you can explore here:
• Provide personalized content that allows them to get the most out of the product or service they are currently using;
• Provide high quality service and support;
• Gradually take advantage of the added value provided by your first-class service;
• A community (Facebook group) where they can live and grow.
If you can prove that your main concern is providing value to your customers, even after they’ve already given you their money, they’ll be much more likely to trust that your most expensive offering will be worth the purchase price.
This step is usually occupied by expensive products, such as consulting, mentoring, among others.
Different Types of Sales Funnels
There are different types of sales funnels and lead generation in the market. Out of all the variants out there, there are 5 funnel models that your business will need to consider at some point if it wants to grow in the digital world.
1. Content Offer Funnel
The high-value content delivery funnel is one of the most important parts of a strategy for converting leads into paying customers for your product or service. It’s the best lead generation funnel and the simplest to operate too.
This is an example of a content offer funnel to sell a service. The user enters the email list to download the content offer (an average conversion rate varies between 50-75% in this case) and receives an automatic sequence of emails programmed in software such as MailChimp or ActiveCampaign that aims to obtain this lead to schedule a 30-minute strategic session, from which you will sell the service. You can use a service like Calendly to schedule this session, for example.
In the case of digital product sales, for example, you can choose to show a sales page for your offer right after the lead enters your email list. Instead of showing a thank you page, you can present an obvious giveaway for your digital product.
2. Questionnaire Funnel
The Funnel Questionnaire aims to present different solutions for products or services, based on the answers provided in the questionnaire by your leads. It is an effective way to segment leads based on questionnaire responses, directing the presentation of different products or services.
A questionnaire funnel aims to segment leads from potential customers to present suitable proposals based on the real needs of those same leads. Which can be a consultancy, service provision, online course or any other type of product.
3. Product Funnel
The product funnel is all about directly marketing the product itself, which means turning traffic into paying customers for your business. It is the hardest funnel to work with and the most used funnel for physical products, digital products and services. It is a funnel that does not include qualifying or nurturing leads. It’s basically a funnel to convert cold traffic into customers.
In a product funnel, the main goal is to turn leads into paying customers. It’s a perpetual product sales strategy, whether it’s a physical product, a digital product, or even a service.
4. Webinar Funnel
The webinar funnel aims to convert leads into customers of a product or service, through a launch strategy. It is one of the best strategies to launch a digital product and fill vacancies quickly.
The most important thing in this strategy is to work on the presence rate of leads in the live class, through a very good email marketing strategy with content, a warm-up for the live class, and later the replay of the same class.
5. Application Funnel
The Application Funnel aims to qualify leads through a complex program application form. Typically, this is a funnel type used for high-value products, i.e. backend and bottom of the funnel products. Your highest value products should be worked from an application funnel.
An app funnel is the best funnel format for selling high value products like consultancies, mentorships, programs, etc.
How to Create a Sales Funnel?
There are different types of online tools to create sales funnels. All of them offer ready-to-copy and paste templates for your business, making all the creation work easier, without the need to write a single line of code. For professionals who don’t understand programming, this is the fastest way to accelerate your business growth.
All these software offer drag and drop systems, allowing you to create your own sales pages, sales funnels, lead generation pages, etc., without having to resort to a traditional programmer. In addition to saving you a lot of money, all these tools mentioned above save you a lot of time. And time is much more valuable than money.
Below are the tools to create Sales Funnels:
1. ClickFunnels: Sales Funnel Tool
ClickFunnels is by far the best tool available on the market to create really effective and profitable sales funnels with the best technology available on the internet. It is the most robust, reliable and complete platform on the market, allowing you to create your own generation pages, sales funnels, automatic product upsells and downsells, subscription programs and much more.
2. Kartra: Sales Funnel Builder
Kartra is a great tool for creating sales funnels, capture pages and other technological solutions for marketing products or services on the internet. It is an extremely robust tool that also offers an integrated email marketing service and several other options that make it a worthy competitor to ClickFunnels. It’s not as easy to work with as ClickFunnels, but it’s an excellent and robust option on the market.
3. Groove Funnels: Sales Funnel Builder
Groove Funnels is a recent competitor in the market, which offers a low-cost, low-price solution, helping to democratize Sales Funnels and their importance for companies and professionals working with digital. It’s the least complete and robust solution of all, but still a great solution for those who price is an impediment to working with the best tools.
Of all the tools available on the internet, ClickFunnels is by far the most complete and best sales funnel creation tool. You can easily create your funnels using the ClickFunnels editor and build your pages in an elegant and fast way, or use one of the ready-made templates that ClickFunnels already provides for you to start working.
ClickFunnels Editor
This is an example of the ClickFunnels editor in action, where we build virtually all of our lead generation pages and all of our sales funnels. The coolest thing about ClickFunnels is that it allows you to create super simple or mega complex sales funnels in very little time. And in this market, agility is always important. There are competitors who take so long to do something that when they finish, the entire market has done it first.
Competition Analysis
One of the first steps you should take is to conduct a competitive analysis. Possibly your competitors are already using a sales funnel in their business, and it is important that you know this.
The idea is not for you to copy them, but to understand their marketing strategies associated with this funnel and how they are nurturing these people along the customer journey, to close more sales and take them from an entry product to a product of high income. That’s when you understand the importance of funnel hacking, or hacking your competitor’s funnel.
Hack your Competitors Funnel
The term “funnel hacking” was coined by Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels and is the process of strategically investigating your competitors’ sales and marketing processes, which you can then use to model and test in your own sales and marketing processes. Basically, it’s a simple process of getting into your competitors’ funnels to understand what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and what’s the process behind that specific funnel, their value proposition, their sales method, etc.
To hack your competitors’ funnels, you’ll need to get organized and follow a multi-step sequence until you find out everything you need to know about your direct competitors.
Follow these steps below:
1. List of Competitors
First you must start by making a list of competitors. To be able to do this, you will need to investigate your market very well through strategic searches on Google, YouTube, social networks, etc.
Understand who is advertising, what they are advertising, and who they are advertising for. Find out who is actually using a sales funnel and how that funnel is working.
Make a list of all known companies or professionals that sell products or services similar to yours over the internet. You should also consider your indirect competition, i.e. companies or professionals that don’t necessarily sell in your niche, but whose audience overlaps with yours.
By doing this, you will be able to better understand the sales tactics that move your target audience to take action and buy those products or services.
Be broad when starting out. While you end up narrowing your list down to the most successful competitors, also take note of competing companies whose approach isn’t as effective as it could be, allowing you to avoid making the same mistakes.
Learning from the mistakes of competitors is something super cool, as it avoids wear and tear and unnecessary investments.
2. Document Everything and Review
More than just checking your competitors’ websites, landing pages, funnels and other marketing content, you should take screenshots and create files for later reference. When doing so, be sure to categorize these files for future reference.
You can use a Google Chrome extension called GoFullPage to take these full-screen screenshots and save them as PNG on your computer.
We advise you to create separate folders for each competitor and file all information in a kind of catalog organized by content offerings, entry products, mid-funnel products and bottom-of-funnel products for each competitor you analyze.
You could also create a folder specifically to store creatives for ads that these competitors are running, like ads on Google, Facebook, etc.
Once you find out what each of your competitors is doing, you should start looking at them from a more technical point of view.
As follows:
• What words (copywriting) are they using in their headlines?
• What colors are they using throughout their content?
• Are the buttons located above or below the fold?
• Do they use videos and images or just text?
• Are they listing benefits or features?
• Do they include social proof like testimonials?
• Are there any pop-ups that appear when the user tries to leave the page?
• Is there a complex or simple application form?
• Do action steps require more than one touch point?
• Is the price of the products mentioned (if so, what are their prices?)
• How many words are on the homepage?
The more you analyze the work of your competitors, the easier it is for you to understand what they are doing very well and what gaps you can fill quickly, delivering a better experience for your users.
Your focus should be on the “Why”, that is, understanding the reasons that led your competitors to act in this way. You won’t copy your competitors, but you will certainly implement their successful approaches in your own way, while creating your own sales funnels.
3. Use Competitive Intelligence Tools
There are countless tools on the market that allow you to see more than meets the eye when you’re in a competitor’s funnel. They are tools that allow you to understand what is really happening with your competitors beyond the page.
Specifically, what ads are they running, what technologies are they using, finding the Facebook and Google pixel, how much traffic are these pages getting, what keywords are they appearing in organic and paid ads for, etc. Some of these tools are listed below:
Semrush allows you to analyze each competitor from a more technical point of view, finding their active ads, organic ranking keywords, keywords used in Google Ads, etc. Semrush is a veritable Swiss army knife of information about your competitors, letting you know basically everything that’s going on.
SimilarWeb is a super cool and free tool for analyzing websites and blogs, which allows you to understand how your competitor is doing from the point of view of traffic, growth in social networks, source of traffic, whether they are serving paid ads or not. similar competitors and many other super relevant information for you to hack your competitors.
WhatRunsWhere is a technology analysis tool, which allows you to see everything that is beyond the front-end of your competitors, that is, which technologies are being used, if the funnel has pixels or not, if remarketing ads are being made, what creatives are running on ads, how long those ads are running, etc.
4. Buy Your Competitors' Products
The best way for you to learn about sales funnels is to buy the products and services of your competitors and other market players, to understand how they are working their sales funnels and the process behind that same funnel. How many steps are in the funnel, whether there are UpSell and DownSell product offers, which email sequence is associated with that funnel, etc.
Once you’ve figured out who your most successful competitors are, it’s worth taking a closer look at what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. You are probably thinking “But what is the logic of me giving money to a competitor of mine?”.
The idea is not about the money, but the amount of insights you can collect and later model for your own sales funnels.
Some questions you'll need to have a clear answer to:
• What specific value or benefit is being provided by a specific offering?
• What action must you take to receive the offer?
• What strategies do they use to move forward?
• How does each subsequent offer relate to the previous and next stages of the sales funnel?
The answers to these questions will greatly help your understanding and allow you to see clearly what you should be offering your customers along their own sales funnel journey.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Using ClickFunnels for Affiliate Marketing
1. Where to draw a sales funnel?
2. What is an inverted funnel?
3. What better way to make first contact with the lead?
4. How much does ClickFunnels cost?
5. Why use the sales funnel?
When we talk about sales funnels, it is important for you to understand that much of your learning will come from practice, that is, you need to get your hands dirty and start building your own funnels. This practice will allow you to dramatically accelerate your learning and over time you will end up building better and more profitable funnels.
As we say: good knowledge is knowledge put into practice!
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