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Most Common Mistakes To Avoid In Online Marketing

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Most Common Mistakes To Avoid In Online Marketing


Presented By
Black Pearl Matrix

What are the most common online marketing mistakes

When we talk about online marketing, online ads are the first thing that pops into our head, isn’t it?

There are several other channels to do marketing, but digital media remains the one that receives the most investment. A survey conducted in 2013 proves this:

BPM GRAPHIC Most Common Mistakes To Avoid In Online Marketing1

If almost a decade ago that number was already high, can you imagine the proportion today?

If you are like most marketers and want your digital marketing to improve, not deteriorate, this blog is for you.

Unfortunately there are a whole host of marketing mistakes that can result in some negative results ranging from taking on too many jobs to failing to do your research. It’s easy to make inadvertent slips that lower your success rate instead of increasing it.

Learning from the mistakes of other marketers is always better than making your own. In this article, we’ll walk you through the very common marketing mistakes businesses of all sizes make and how to avoid them so you can keep your sales and marketing efforts on track. With all that in mind, consider overhauling your tactics with our list of the top common digital marketing mistakes to avoid.

1- Making Assumptions

Assuming you know your customers, their preferences, their loyalty to you and the competitive environment in which you operate is one of the most costly mistakes you can make. In most cases, you’re probably wrong.

With all the research and feedback tools available today to help you monitor your customers’ voice and their real needs and attitudes, there’s no reason to assume anything. Conduct regular surveys of your customers to see what they like and dislike about your brand, your products and your services, conduct surveys to update your Net Promoter Score (NPS) as well.

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2- Ignore Customer Complaints

With all the social media channels available, unhappy customers can share a bad brand experience with literally thousands of people in a matter of minutes.

In addition to their Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts, they can quickly post negative reviews about you or your products on Yelp, Google, Amazon, and other sites that masses of consumers browse daily.

Whenever this happens, and it will, respond immediately on the site the customer used for the complaint, and let the unhappy customer and others know that you care about every customer and ask what you can do to make it right.

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We are a passionate team of experts that have helped businesses large and small from all around the world to capitalize on the Internet.

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3- Faking Popularity

Just like all the “fake news” on social media channels, there are often a lot of “fake likes” too. Just look at your Twitter messages; chances are you have an offer from someone trying to sell you “followers”.

Like fake news this is also not acceptable by any business standard because you are portraying your brand as more popular and successful than you are and misleading consumers about your position in the market.

4- Using Dirty Data

There’s nothing like receiving a great deal from a brand you’ve been loyal to for years, but finding out that the great deal only applies to new customers!

When this happens, it’s usually the result of a brand not cleaning up their data to separate prospects and customers.

With all the customer relationship management (CRM) and data management systems available today at many price points, there are no more excuses for this.

5- Competing on Price

Discounts and price reductions do have their place, but only temporarily, like when you’re trying to spark that first test and build a customer base for future email or social media campaigns.

Keeping prices low for a long period of time or offering low prices frequently only puts customers on the alert to delay and never pay full price.

You quickly position your brand as the budget option, which limits your appeal, and once you drop a price, you’ll have a hard time raising it again.

While cutting prices to meet sales targets may be tempting, remember that repeated price promotions can erode brand equity and create fickle customers who abandon you for competitors’ promotions.

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6- Ignoring the Emotional Drivers of Choice

90% of people’s thoughts and behaviors are driven by their unconscious minds.

People respond more to dopamine rushes that make them feel euphoric and unbeatable and to oxytocin that makes them feel connected, accepted and loved than they do to clever advertisements or exorbitantly priced promotions.

When you tap into the emotional drivers that influence how people feel about themselves and the world around them, you influence behavior.

Everything you do should be based on creating positive feelings and building trust. Without trust, you cannot explore anything else.

7- Forget to Edit

If your letter, email, website, print ad, sign or billboard has a typo, people will remember that nonsense and forget the rest.

Sloppy mistakes can not only make a bad first impression among potential customers, but they can also make people question the amount of attention you pay to detail when producing your products, managing your invoices and performing customer service.

Edit carefully and ask others to look over your shoulder to make sure nothing slips through. Your brand is only as good as your reputation.



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8- Offering What You Cannot Deliver

When you make promises you’re not sure you can keep, you put yourself in the category of bad salespeople who can’t be trusted. Also, if you try to release a product that doesn’t work yet, or before you’ve got all the execution, service, and troubleshooting details in place, you set up customers to have a bad experience with you.

Either way, you lose trust and potential sales, in most, if not all cases, these disappointed customers can find another supplier to buy from and to whom they can credit their loyalty.

9- Treat Customers Impersonally

Every customer is a person who likes to be treated as such, nobody likes to be a number. Today, with all the CRM technology, you can usually identify who is on the other end of a phone call.

When you can, you should address this person by name, thank them for their business, and ask if you can do anything else to make them happy.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and take a look at all of your customer interactions.

Are they as personal as they should be? If not, invest in better list verification, a central customer database, training in how to pronounce customer names, and whatever else is needed to allow your business to treat all customers as important individuals.

Customers expect personalized communications about their relationships with you and rewards for their loyalty, and when, after years of giving you their business, noncustomers receive a better offer than you gave them, you can damage that relationship irreparably.

10- Blame the Customer

It’s easy to think that an irate customer is out of line and overreacting, but regardless, you need to take the high road and let the customer be right, within reason of course.

As Neiman Marcus is famous for saying, “The customer is always right” when it comes to how the customer feels, how they should have been treated, or the quality of the product they thought they were buying.

This doesn’t mean you have to let people take advantage of you, but when someone has to vent, listen, try to offer a solution you both can live with.

Whether you resolve it or not, you need to remain professional, reasonable, calm, and courteous. If you don’t, and even if it’s justified, the customer can easily tarnish your online reputation, and that’s a risk you can’t take.

11-Assuming Too Much, Too Quickly

Digital marketing is a lot of work, and it’s hard to be successful if you’re taking on too much at once.

While things like content creation, SEO, and social media are fantastic tools, they quickly become overwhelming unless you intentionally throw them in and have a plan to disperse the workload.

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12- Neglecting Digital Marketing Helpers

While digital marketing is by far the most talked about type of marketing in today’s climate, it’s not the only one that matters and cannot exist on its own.

Because of this, marketers who forget to focus on other activities such as advertising and print marketing are likely to miss out on a large segment of potential customers.

13- Not Developing a Clear Marketing Plan

Digital marketing works only as well as your plans, and a streamlined plan is essential to keep everything running smoothly.

This plan should include details ranging from which social platforms you intend to use, how much content you plan to publish and when you will distribute it.

14- Putting Too Much Low Quality Content

While it’s understandable to want to populate your social profiles, blogs, and websites, you’ll end up paying a hefty price if you do so with forty low-quality blogs instead of ten great ones.

15- Badly or Randomly Content Curation

Curated content can (and should) play an important role in your digital marketing strategy, but you need to approach it carefully.

Sharing irrelevant content just because it’s popular online will get you nowhere and will likely alienate your existing audience.

With that in mind, select only content that is relevant to your audience and personalize it by adding a preface or commentary.

16- Not A/B Testing Your Campaigns

If you don’t do A/B testing, you’re missing out on conversions. With that in mind, A/B test all of your campaigns to ensure the one you choose is the most effective and efficient.

17- Focusing Too Much on Keyword Inclusion

Keywords are still an important component of digital marketing, but they are far from everything. Avoid focusing too much on keyword inclusion, and instead pay attention to things like relevancy and intent.

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18- Over-Optimizing Your Site

While optimizing your site is a good SEO tactic, over-optimizing your site will hurt your rankings and turn away your customers.

19- Neglecting Paid Search Advertising

While organic search is important, paid search can help you rank and produce results quickly, which is great for a growing business.

20- Forgetting to Spread the Load

To put together a great digital marketing strategy you need quality help. While many brands try to go it alone, this only leads to burnout and subpar results.

21- Little or No Work Involved

This could come from the idea that there is little physical work or that you are working in a virtual environment using the power of the internet.

However, as any entrepreneur will tell you, running your own business always takes a lot of work to start and a lot more work to maintain.

If you’re getting into IM to make money, consider a full-time job to start.

22- Thinking It's Easy Money

Making money on the Internet is easier than doing manual labor, however, the number of hours you need to dedicate to learning the contents is not limited to a 40-hour work week.

Can you earn good money? Yes, but it often takes years of steady progress before you realize that dream.

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23- Anyone Can Do It

Anyone can go online and build a blog, but it’s not as simple as writing and attracting an audience.

You have to be willing to take on the role of a learner in this effort and look to update your skills and knowledge to harness the power of the Internet.

It’s not a birthright that everyone has just waiting to be put to use, you have to make a conscious decision to work at it and keep learning.

24- You Can Make A Lot Of Money In One Shot

It may come as a surprise to many people that the “tons of money” actually come from various online ventures.

You probably won’t make a lot of money from just one blog, although you do occasionally. Instead, if you focus on creating multiple streams of income from a variety of websites, products, and services, you’ll have a much better chance of getting rich sooner.

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25- Not Enough Research Before You Start

If people fall victim to any of the unrealistic expectations we’ve discussed, the result is that they don’t spend enough time researching and planning their online activities to make them a success. Instead, they’ll think it’s just a matter of opening a website and putting a shopping cart on it to take orders, that couldn’t be the farthest thing from the truth.

You need to start by knowing which niches are trending online and how you plan to attract people to your site. Even if you’ve gotten a huge influx of traffic, do you know enough to convert those visitors into leads or customers?

This is where people fail miserably when they could have improved their chances of success simply by taking the extra time to research and learn how to run a successful online business.

26- Not Knowing What Your Hot Niche Is

Usually people can get carried away by a specific and personal passion that they instantly focus all their energies on marketing, thinking that customers will be just as enthralled by that topic.

That’s a bad way to set up an online business, especially with so much information online about what people are actually buying, searching, or talking about.

Why not market something that everyone is already interested in and doesn’t need convincing to buy?

One thing to remember when figuring out which niche you want to target is that they may depend on world events. Right now, the recession has made some niches more important than others.

For example, finance is always a hot niche, but the influence of the recession means there is less interest in the stock market and housing and more interest in debt management and consolidation.

Or you might find a sub-niche like “gold mining stocks,” which weren’t very popular before the recession but now have a lot of investors flocking to them.

27- Diffuse Brand

Fuzzy branding can apply to many aspects of your online business, it can be as obvious as a bad domain name, or it can even be how poorly you designed your website.

And any flaw on your website is an Internet faux pas that makes it difficult for your visitors to associate your name with the brand of product or service you are offering.

Instead, they’re left scratching their heads trying to figure out what your site is all about.

28- Bad Traffic Flows

The site is live and you’ve done your research to optimize it for success, but you’ve noticed that it’s not getting enough traffic. You know why? Well, many internet marketers think that putting up a great website is all you need to do to attract traffic.

There are millions of people on the Internet so it seems a fair assessment that getting a thousand eyeballs a month is no big deal. When in fact, the most successful internet marketers adopt promotional strategies to maximize their traffic streams and make their sites a hit.

The main way to increase traffic is to find sites that already have a large audience and divert some of those people back to your site. There may be rules about what types of links you can post and how to post them, but it’s basically the same process.

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29- Inability to Convert Custom Traffic

Even if you manage to attract massive amounts of traffic, the true goal of any internet marketer is to sell or make money.

You need to monetize that traffic to achieve your dreams of success. If you’re not aware of the strategies to convert traffic into customers, you’ll let a lot of valuable opportunities pass you by, worse, you’ll feel like you’re working hard for little reward.

Always keep in mind that having a popular website is not enough; that site has to generate income, one way or another.

Some of the flaws can be down to poor website design, such as poor ad placement or inefficient payment processors. However, there are other ways people don’t plan on converting traffic into customers.

They don’t plan ways to make money from their website and assume that just launching a few products will generate income. This is one way to make money, but not the only way.

30- Not Planning Sales in Advance

The whole point of internet marketing is to sell online. It may come as a surprise to discover that many internet marketers don’t plan their sales funnel in advance.

Doing things by the seat of your pants might work to make a few sales here and there, but to really tap into the power of the Internet and make a living doing Internet marketing, you must plan ahead for sales using a carefully thought-out sales funnel.

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31- Lack of Automation Tools and Services

At first the temptation for most Internet marketers is to do everything manually to save money. This will quickly become unmanageable as your lists grow and your product lineup becomes more varied.

Add a few extra sites to manage multiple streams of income and you can quickly become confused or overwhelmed by the many minutiae of operating various internet commerce sites.

The solution is to start automating things before your business gets too heavy and you lose customers.

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32- Failure to Track and Test the Results

After a failure to plan ahead for sales, one of the biggest failures young internet marketers tend to fall into is failure to track and test the results.

They may not even be aware that there are techniques like A/B testing that can help them define why one sales campaign works better than another.

It could even be due to something simple like a different headline in the sales copy that can drive 50% more sales, but without doing A/B testing, they’ll never figure that out.

It’s very important to continually track and test the results of different campaigns and sales strategies to see which ones work for you and which ones give you poor results.

33- Failure to Meet and Exceed Customer Expectations

It’s not enough to just give people a good deal these days. It has to be a great deal that is perceived to be of such great value that it would be a shame if they missed out on the opportunity to buy it.

One of the ways to create value packages like this is to understand your customers’ needs and then exceed their expectations of what they think they can get for their money.

This is a strategy that is becoming necessary as the recession erodes people’s discretionary income and people are buying on perceived value.

34- Bad Backup Systems

If your site goes down, do you have a mirror site or a backup strategy to get you back as soon as possible? If the answer is no, then, as Murphy’s Law suggests, it will happen at the worst possible time, especially when you’re launching one of your hottest, most time-sensitive campaigns of the year.

The impact will be felt immediately in lost sales. If you continue to have problems like this, you will also lose customers who will judge your online business based on your poor service.

Always Back Up Things

It sounds cliche, but this advice is often ignored at the online business owner’s peril.

How many Internet marketers have struggled to put up massive amounts of keyword-rich content, sales promotions, and image-loaded pages only to have the entire site crash afterwards?

If the site is not backed up online, they will have lost months of work, a lot of sales and some customers too. Always back things up.

Now that you’ve discovered all these mistakes and how they can impact a business, we think it’s important to warn you about the importance of a successful mindset. Success starts in your mind, don’t leave it aside. See some tips:

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Common Mistakes in Online Marketing

1. What is a marketing research problem?

A marketing research problem is exactly the situation you need to discover in order to understand an impasse, a difficulty, or attest to an existing situation in the business. After all, all research is done with the aim of understanding something for a specific purpose.

2. How to reverse a marketing error?

Search for courses, do research and identify new trends practiced by the marketing of large companies, by doing so, you would find enough information to make any decision.

3. What are the most common flaws in the implementation of a marketing plan?

Not defining a framework for marketing actions. And when we talk about structure, we mean budget: knowing how much and where to invest is essential to optimize funds, but also to know what return each media or channel will offer.

4. What are the main objectives of marketing?

Marketing is an area focused on generating value on the product, service or on a business's own brand, with the objective of winning and retaining customers.

5. What are the main types of marketing?

They are: Digital, Content, Inbound, Outbound, Relationship, Product, Guerrilla, Viral, Endomarketing, Social, Personal and Humanized.
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Ufa! See how much can go wrong when proper attention is not given to the work done? Now you know the most common mistakes in digital marketing and the solution to not make them too…

Analyzing these mistakes that distance a marketing strategy from success, it is possible to see that working “on autopilot” and expecting results overnight is what dooms many companies.

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