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With Saleshandy, you can automate the sending of personalized cold emails on a large scale to increase the efficiency of email campaigns.
Saleshandy is key to optimizing prospect follow-up by offering the option to set up highly personalized follow-ups for days, weeks and months ahead.
By creating up to 26 subject, email body and call-to-action variants, users can perform A/B tests to identify the most effective approaches and maximize campaign results.
Saleshandy benefits include:
• Automation of cold emails.
• Hyper-personalized follow-ups.
• A/B testing for optimization.
• Automatic verification of prospect lists.
• Centralization of communications in the unified inbox.
• Email tracking for Gmail and Outlook.
• Email finder on LinkedIn.
• Support for various industries.
Some testimonials from satisfied customers with Saleshandy:
“With cold email automation, we saved time and reached relevant leads. Personalized follow-ups increased our conversions significantly.” – Zebulon Hill, Director of Sales.
“Before using Saleshandy, we manually checked our contact lists. Now we can ensure we are sending emails to valid addresses.” – Alice Camble, Marketing Manager.
“Saleshandy delivered an impressive increase in our response rates. A/B testing allowed us to identify the most captivating content for our audience.” – Holmes McGee, Commercial Manager.
FAQ – Frequently asked questions about Saleshandy
How does Saleshandy help with email automation?
Saleshandy allows you to automate the sending of personalized cold emails to save your sales team time and effort.
How to set up follow-ups on Saleshandy?
With Saleshandy, users schedule hyper-personalized follow-ups for different periods in the future.
How does A/B testing work at Saleshandy?
Saleshandy allows you to create up to 26 subject variants, email bodies and calls to action, so users can perform A/B tests and optimize campaigns.
How does automatic list verification help with email delivery?
Automatic verification of prospect lists in Saleshandy ensures that emails are sent to valid addresses.
How does unified inbox benefit users?
Saleshandy’s unified inbox centralizes all communications to facilitate the management of interactions with leads and customers.
Does Saleshandy track emails sent via Gmail and Outlook?
Yes! Saleshandy offers email tracking for both Gmail and Outlook accounts to provide valuable insights into recipient interactions.
How does LinkedIn's email finder work?
LinkedIn Email Finder integrated with Saleshandy allows you to find lead email addresses directly on the platform for easy contact.
Which industries benefit from Saleshandy?
Saleshandy is a versatile solution applied in various industries, such as IT Services, SaaS, HR, and Agency, to improve sales strategies.
Does Saleshandy offer technical support to users?
Yes! Saleshandy offers dedicated technical support to users to assist with queries, technical issues and any assistance needed while using the tool.