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The 30 Best E-Commerce Marketing Strategies Focused on Exponential Growth
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The 30 Best E-Commerce Marketing Strategies Focused on Exponential Growth
Tips for you to leverage your E-commerce:
- Absorb All You Can of the Growth Marketing Mindset
- Delivering Value Through Experience is Everything
- Define your Ideal Repurchase Frequency
- SEO: Organic Search Should Be Your Main Traffic Channel
- Work in Paid Media Considering the CAC Metric
- Invest in good communication with your customers
- Do SERP Domination, Dominate Your Consumer's Mind
- Create an Omnichannel Experience
Today is the day for one of those super complete posts where we’re going to talk about the best marketing strategies for E-commerce.
To be more precise, 30 strategies that we have already seen being applied and that have contributed to the growth of several E-commerces.
And let’s also break a myth about growth: the main growth factor in E-commerce is not exactly sales, but retention.
Giving great importance to retention is the mindset of growth marketing, which is the new trend for companies that want to grow exponentially.
Are you ready? So let’s go!
1- Absorb All You Can of the Growth Marketing Mindset
Growth marketing is a new marketing methodology aimed at disruptive and exponential business growth.
While traditional marketing is used and directed to “manage” marketing resources, communication, ROI and lead generation, Growth Marketing proposes more agility, proactivity and the search for constant growth.
Growth marketing is used by startups and large digital businesses like Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Google, etc.
This post absorbs a lot of the growth mindset, which we bring to you, the conversion reader, so you can apply it to your e-commerce or business.
Not everything about Growth Marketing will work for every business, but whatever you can absorb will be extremely rich.
2- Price Is Important, But Not Everything: Delivering Value Through Experience Is Everything
The point is, you can’t compete on price forever, and the only way out of this losing war is to deliver customer value and become an authority in a niche.
Value is what the customer receives. Price is what he pays for a product in his E-commerce. Find the balance between the two.
One way to create a unique experience can be to have exclusive products, add services or have an omnichannel E-commerce.
Selling products through E-commerce only by price will no longer have value, as competition will only increase.
So, the question remains: What real value does your E-commerce deliver to the consumer?
3- Focus Not Only on Customer Acquisition, But Also on Retention, Which is the Real Engine of Growth
Most E-commerces are focused on bringing in new customers: the problem with that is that this is the most expensive part of marketing.
Of course, this must be done – but it is retention that will allow E-commerce to grow. After all, it’s cheaper to sell to those who have already bought from you than to bring in new customers.
In order to have retention, it is important that the E-commerce has recurrence in the consumption of products or has other products to generate cross and upsells.
Therefore, the ability to generate customer retention will be closely linked to your product and service portfolio.
4- Define your Ideal Repurchase Frequency
Now that you know you need to have repurchases to generate retention, define your ideal order frequency.
There is no magic number, and it will vary from segment to segment, as you will understand in the next topic.
To better illustrate, we have selected some E-commerce niches and their order frequency:
You will notice that each case is different, but in any case, you can always measure your average frequency considering the entire customer base.
This activity (as well as many others that we will present here) can be done in partnership with the finance department or even by the marketing team.
5- If You Don't Want To Lose Focus, Test Products With Lower Ticket And Higher Recurrence
It’s okay to sell products infrequently (annually or semi-annually), but you need to manage the variables better than your competitors.
When E-commerce managers or directors have access to this information that we are presenting, some of them decide to expand their product mix.
This strategy can be good and bad…
The question is: Does your company know how to manage products with greater recurrence? Won’t you divert the focus?
If it makes sense, start with a test that doesn’t affect your entire operation: after all, testing is everything.
6- Doing an NPS Survey Will Help You Understand Satisfaction With Your E-commerce and Generate Lots of Insights
A metric of overall satisfaction with a company.
By measuring NPS, you will know the likelihood of repurchase and the potential to generate word of mouth.
To calculate the metric, you basically ask yourself: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to refer (company name) to an acquaintance or family member?”
From respondents, responses are split into detractors, neutrals, and promoters – the final calculation is based on the difference in the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors, divided by the number of responses, times 100.
Also, whenever you run an NPS survey, you get a lot of feedback and great insights from your customers.
Remember: without knowing your customer, and without a metric for this, growth will be much more difficult!
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7- SEO: Organic Search Should Be Your Main Traffic Channel To Generate Profitability
The smartest e-commerce directors we’ve seen recognize organic search as the top traffic channel to increase profitability.
“Organic search drives profitability, paid search drives scale.” That’s a good maxim.
In addition, organic search generates authority for your brand: being on the first page of Google increases a brand’s reputation, and research proves this.
At first, SEO will drive traffic directly to the department, category, and product.
So blogging will be an excellent strategy for acquiring top-of-the-funnel traffic, with informative search keywords and informative, non-transactional traffic.
To measure the participation of SEO in the monetization of your E-commerce, look not only at conversions, but also at assisted conversions.
8- Apply Extreme SEO to Generate Maximum Visibility on Your Department and Category Pages
Extreme SEO is an SEO methodology created by Conversion, to generate deep optimizations with special focus on the department and category pages of your E-commerce.
With Extreme SEO’s deep optimizations, the consequence is that the page that receives this type of optimization can rank not for one, but for several keywords.
We found support for this practice in a 2010 study by Ahrefs, which demonstrates a strong correlation between a page ranking well on Google and ranking for other terms.
9- Work in Paid Media Considering the CAC Metric and Not the ROI – But Be Careful
CAC stands for Customer Acquisition Cost, and it means how much it costs to bring a new customer to your E-commerce.
This is an even less used metric because E-commerce managers mostly track the ROI metric. And that’s fine, but it will create growth limitations, but why?
Because the ROI is usually at the bottom of the funnel, where the greatest competition is – and the tendency is for the ROI to decrease, either with the scale of the campaign, or with time or with the increase in the competition’s bids.
The best way to deal with this is to have an E-commerce that has already implemented retention metrics and knows exactly what its CLV (Customer Lifetime Value), which we will talk about later.
With this, the ROI metric will be replaced by the CLV/CAC ratio, which is, so to speak, a more strategic and long-term way of measuring ROI.
10- Calculate your CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) and Discover How Much Revenue Your Customer Leaves Over Time
CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) is a metric that indicates the lifetime value of a company’s customers.
This metric aims to give a strategic view of how much a customer will spend on E-commerce over time.
There are several ways to calculate the CLV, but basically it should represent the gross sales margin that the customer will leave in their life cycle.
11- Perform Cohort Analysis and Understand the Seasonality and Media that Best Generate CLV
Cohort analysis is basically an inbound customer crop analysis that measures repeat orders after the first purchase and is closely linked to CAC and LTV.
By doing a cohort analysis, you will see over time how much revenue (gross or net) customers have acquired in that period.
This analysis can be done both for a specific period and for different channels and media.
Cohort analysis is useful in the latter case if your attribution model is simpler, or if you separate media with assist and conversion roles.
12- Invest in good communication with your customers
Some E-commerce marketing departments feel that the work is done when the user buys. But as you already noticed, in fact, he is just getting started.
A point of real attention is the communication you have with your customer after he makes the purchase: this is the moment when the customer feels most insecure and asks questions such as:
Was I right to buy? When will it arrive? It will take a long time?
One solution to this is to create transactional message flows, either via email or SMS, to provide order status to the customer.
Let them know when payment is approved, when the order is packed, when it ships, and when it gets delivered.
If your E-commerce has an app, this strategy can be excellent with push notifications.
Being present in every micro-moment will help increase customer satisfaction (NPS) as well as CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).
13- Word of Mouth is Your Best Marketing: What Reasons Does the Customer Have to Recommend You?
Word of mouth is the most powerful and cheapest customer acquisition tool. In many cases, the profitability of the business will be here.
For us, some elements are fundamental to generate word of mouth:
• The first is a high NPS: aim for something above 50;
• The second is having a clear Brand Positioning and Unique Selling Proposition;
• The third is your product or service’s ability to change consumer habits.
Then you can coordinate your marketing efforts to create demand for your brand with a demand creation strategy, which is underrated and very powerful.
14- Use Demand Creation Strategies To Make People Want To Come Back To Your E-commerce And Look For Your Brand
Which Google Ads campaign generates the highest ROI for each E-commerce site?
The institutional brand traffic campaign will be the right answer for 99% of E-commerce.
The answer to this result is quite simple: the person searching is already interested in your brand. The big challenge is to increase interest in your brand.
But what if we said that there is a strategy focused on this? Despite being little publicized, it exists and is called Demand Creation.
15- Like Uber, Create a Referral Program, Generate Coupons and Reward Your Customers
Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools, right? So how about enhancing that with a referral program?
There are several ways to work with referral marketing.
A great example is Uber, which generates a discount coupon to be shared with your friends.
The example is good because it generates benefits for the company (which increases customer acquisition at a low cost), for those who are referred (who can test the service for free or with a good discount) and for those who refer (who receive discounts on future purchases).
Referral marketing strategies tie together multiple strands of an operation and can (indeed, should) be calibrated with cohort analysis of that channel’s acquisition.
In our understanding, this type of incentive also contributes to increasing customer satisfaction in the NPS, as they feel responsible for the referrals they make.
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16- Content Experience: Create Pages that Provide Good User Experience and Good Content
In short, Content Experience unifies User Experience (UX) and Content Marketing skills, and is extremely powerful for SEO.
17- Do SERP Domination, Dominate Your Consumer's Mind
There is a marketing strategy that we really like, and it is extremely valid if you want to position a brand for a category of products or services.
This strategy is very simple and can be considered expensive, but it will help a lot with your brand positioning, increase your authority, generate more word of mouth and increase searches for your brand.
Consists of SERP Domination! But what is this?
SERP Domination consists of dominating a SERP (Search Engine Results Page), that is, Google’s results page, both organic and paid (such as Google Shopping and sponsored links).
After all, what is remembered first is bought preferably, that is, top of mind.
18- If You Can, Monetize Your CLV With Added Value Services
At the beginning of the article, we said that customer experience is key – and that value is what your customer gets, while price is what they pay.
In many markets, there are great opportunities for selling services linked to E-commerce products.
For some E-commerce sites, the business model is to generate customers with reasonable CAC and monetize the provision of services.
The main services are:
• Installation;
• Maintenance;
• Education.
But what types of E-commerce products can make provision for this service?
Basically any type of product that has a complex installation and requires maintenance.
In certain niches, it is possible to sell educational courses to your base. A case of this could be companies that sell drones or any other product whose handling requires knowledge.
In the future, the market for services and education linked to E-commerce will grow a lot.
19- In Fashion, Beauty and 'Lifestyle' E-commerces, Try Using Some Aroma Inside the Package
There is a great tendency for brands to become a lifestyle: they make their consumers part of a tribe.
If your E-commerce is lifestyle, fashion or beauty, using scents on packaging can be a strategy to impact new consumer senses and improve their experience.
However, be warned: there are many consumers who are sensitive to perfumes in general. So be aware that when using this strategy you may have some noise and turn away more sensitive customers.
20- Email Marketing
Despite falling email open rates year over year (in part due to the plethora of new channels), email marketing remains essential for e-commerce.
In our opinion, email marketing is important in itself as a strategy to be present in consumers’ lives. Even if many don’t even open it, they will remember your brand.
However, it is clear that generating repurchases is far more worthwhile than just being seen. Email marketing is one of the most important tools to increase your CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).
It goes without saying, but it bears remembering: work exclusively on an opt-in basis, to ensure better deliverability and reputation.
21- Invest in Added Value Content Marketing
Content marketing won’t work for every business, but it will work for virtually every business, offering added value to the consumer.
E-commerce, especially those with their own brand, can take advantage of the impact that content generates in the consumer journey.
Content is one of the least intrusive and desirable ways for consumers to get in touch with your brand and it is also one of the success factors of a demand creation strategy.
Content generates results, especially if linked to an SEO strategy that boosts organic traffic.
22- In Social Ads, Create Combined Offers To Improve Your CAC
Always try to understand not only your audience, but where they are.
While Google is a medium where people are looking for exactly something, on social networks people are having fun and probably dispersed between different subjects and profiles.
Therefore, when advertising in social ads (Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads), it is necessary to invest in communication that makes the user stop what he is doing.
Something very interesting are the combo offers, which include two or more products for a very attractive price.
This is a type of ad that works with the AIDA method (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) is extremely efficient and, with good targeting, can provide a great CAC.
23- Create Products with Your Own Brand: Offer Exclusivity and Fair Price
One of the great challenges of E-commerce is to differentiate itself: after all, when the product is the same, the consumer will basically evaluate the variables price x trust of the store.
These two variables are quite limited and lead to a price war that benefits the consumer but is not sustainable for the retailer.
To get out of this common grave, one strategy is to bet on own lines and exclusive brands, as there is greater control over the price – despite the need for other types of investment in marketing.
This is not an easy path to follow, but it can be extremely profitable and follows the DTC (Direct To Consumer) trend, that is, the industry (or distributor) sells directly to the consumer, without the intermediation of traditional retailers.
24- Use and Abuse of Figma: It Has Many Resources for You to Understand Your Customer
Unlike tools that promise to optimize conversion, Figma is one of the best tools to understand and analyze user experience.
In Figma, you can enjoy:
• Heatmaps;
• Sales funnel (not complex);
• Surveys and Polls, including NPS survey;
• Feedback, among others.
Installation is quite simple, and can be done in the website’s HTML or via GTM (Google Tag Manager).
25- Invest in User Reviews: They Help a lot in Decision Making
Reviews are extremely powerful, both to attract new customers with a lower CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) and to generate more revenue and increase CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).
Your store and product reviews work on an important mental trigger, which is social proof.
That is, people tend to buy more when other people have also bought and are satisfied.
So much so that user reviews appear as one of the main decision factors in cases where people don’t know the store.
One of Amazon’s growth factors was the evaluations that users made of the books they bought, so much so that it became one of the main book search sites.
26- Beware of paid media that blames itself for conversion
You’ve heard the saying “when the son is handsome, everyone wants to be the father”, right?
In E-commerce, when a sale occurs, all media want to assign responsibility for the sale to themselves.
It is not enough to rely only on the reports of the vehicles themselves, which pull the sardine for themselves.
It is known that Facebook’s attribution model, for example, is extremely advantageous for the platform: each ad is printed for those who buy it, it attributes the sale to itself.
It is clear that Facebook is, today, an indispensable media capable of generating demand from good consumers, and under no circumstances should you exclude it from your media plan.
But there are vehicles that don’t help much and attribute the sale to themselves, effortlessly increasing their cost.
An example of this could be certain (not all) affiliate programs and tools that work on your website.
If you have concerns about attributing the media you invest in, contact your agency and adjust the media plan for real performance.
27- Keep track of Assisted Conversions Metrics and be surprised
Since the subject is the attribution model, you might be surprised at how important each medium is.
There is a high probability that Google Ads is one of the most attributable mediums, either because it really works or because branded keywords are bought.
Tracking last-click sales is one way to look at this, but most of the time it’s pretty limited (in some cases it makes sense).
Organic search and social traffic are increasingly important in assisted sales, which participate in the awareness and consideration stages of a sales funnel, but not necessarily in conversion.
28- Store Visits: Measure Traffic from E-Commerce Users to Your Physical Store
Google is gradually releasing the store visits feature, which will compute visits to your physical store that passed through your E-commerce.
This important new feature will allow better measurement of omnichannel strategies (working in and out in a single way) and understand the impact of digital on brick-and-mortar retail.
29- Create an Omnichannel Experience: After all, Your Customer's is the Same
Since the subject is omnichannel, let’s get in for good!
Some time ago, there was a real gold rush in E-commerce, and several players emerged, but not all of them survived.
In E-commerce, there are no silver bullets, but a set of efforts between commercial, marketing, agency, finance and operations to offer more value to the consumer.
Among the strategies that are proving more popular is Omnichannel, which integrates a company’s physical and digital operations.
It is an extension of the “all-line” concept: today, it is no longer about being online or offline, but about the two working together, the continuation of both.
If your business has a physical store, take your consumer to E-commerce; if it is in E-commerce, take it to the physical store.
Customer experiences are rewarding, as are business results.
30- Think and Rethink the Customer Journey: Being Customer-Centric is the Only Possible Way to Grow
We come to the last strategy, and this is the most important of all. This is essential. The primordial.
We talk about several techniques for your E-commerce to grow, generate sales and retain customers, but they are all based on the consumer journey, which are the steps consumers will go through to become customers of your brand.
Basically, we are talking about adding value to the consumer and providing good experiences.
To be able to put all this into practice, it is important to be customer-centric, that is, to put the customer at the center of everything.
For, as Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, would say:
“There’s only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everyone in the company simply by taking the money to spend elsewhere.”
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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About E-commerce Marketing Strategies
1. What are the four Ps of digital marketing?
The 4 Ps of Marketing represent the four pillars of a strategy — Price, Product, Place and Promotion. They define how the brand will reach its target audience and position itself in the market to achieve its objectives.
2. How can I leverage my E-commerce sales this year?
Take advantage of commemorative dates, build customer loyalty, create interesting promotions and publicize your products or services on good platforms. As important as selling more is being prepared to meet all the demand.
3. What are the mental triggers for sales?
Some mental triggers that work very well: Affinity, Authority, Coherence and Commitment, Scarcity, Social Proof and Reciprocity.
4. What is Growth marketing?
Growth marketing or growth marketing is a strategy that is revolutionizing sales management, customer acquisition and retention. It aims at the exponential growth of companies and has already captured the attention of several startups.
5. What does customer journey mean?
The customer journey consists of the entire path taken by the consumer during contact with a brand. From the moment the desire for consumption arises to customer loyalty, he is going through this journey. In the digital market, supply is always greater than demand.
Ready to leverage your company’s marketing?
Opening your own business, whether physical or digital, is a great challenge, but also an important step.
The beginning can be difficult, but with effort and dedication, you will achieve the success you desire.
Putting together the right marketing strategy for your company will make all the difference in taking your business to the level you want.
In this article, you’ve seen 30 tips on how to work on this very important area of your business with little investment, but the possibilities are endless.
No more relying solely on traditional print ads for local businesses.
Finally, it doesn’t hurt to remember: always keep up to date, study and seek constant innovation.
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